Helsinki 2014
Group exhibition coordinated by artist Raija Malka where I was both exhibiting art as well as being in charge of the graphic design.
The six participating artists all had very different artistic styles so the graphics had to be neutrual, or at least not mimic any of the exhibited art works. The gallery space, Lume Galleria, is located in the lobby area of Aalto University which makes it problematic. Its main issue is that visitors walk straight through the space without slowing down.
The graphic design was inspired by the intence appearance of a fire extinguisher. Bright red posters, flyers, and stickers where produced to be hung up.
I exhibited the art installation, “Snuff”, which is a sarcastic take on the Finnish tobacco law that is built on propaganda. The artwork consist of a two sculptures having a dialogue with each other. The beanbag is digitally printed canvas while the other piece assembled by hundreds of empty snuff-packages.